Thursday, July 31, 2008

Being 30

Today I turned the dirty 30. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. It wasn't a bad day, at least not as bad as I expected. I've been dreading this day for a long time, but I just assumed Dewey would be here to ease me into it. He wasn't. BUT, he called me twice today.

I didn't hear from him at all yesterday. He didn't get on Yahoo Messenger like he said he would, nor did he call to tell me wouldn't be. He's very good about calling me to let me know what's going on. So I immediately started thinking the worst thing possible. I promised him I wouldn't be watching the news constantly like I do when he's home, so I feel completely out of the loop and totally socially retarded. I tried telling myself it was probably just a black out and that he's fine. When I woke up this morning and remembered what day it was, of course that feeling crept back in. Mostly because Clem's not here to help me out {I'm very dependant on him for that sort of thing}. Then I remembered not hearing from him and started to worry again. I even stayed logged into messenger on my phone so I could do other things while I waited for him to log in. Nothing. This is my first deployment where I can hear from him on a fairly regular basis, so when I don't hear anything all kinds of bad things run through my mind. So on top of all of that, I turned 30.

Scot was the first to show up, on his way home from work. Michele (Scot's wife) was supposed to have already been here, but she wasn't. So Scoty McMellow and I hung out and chatted for a while. I love Scot. He's like my brother. It's funny because I call him my second. GOD FORBID, should something happen to Dewey and Michele, I've decided to marry Scoty and help him raise his 2 beautiful daughters with my 3 beautiful daughters. I'm not sure if I've actually told them my plan. Perhaps I have, we discuss seconds a lot. But there we were, chit-chatting in my living room. Then Michele showed up with Kay and Nicci (their youngest, 6 months younger than Kay), and she came bearing I told her not to. Does she listen? Nope, she's almost worse than I am. She was late because she stopped to shop. (Yup, I think she's as bad as I am.) Silly Michele. Then Jane (Dana to most of you so pay attention to that one, too) showed up with an ice cream cake. The group (the women, anyway) have been pestering me about today for months. I've told them no. I don't want anything. It's just another day of the week as far as I'm concerned. Then Jane says she only wanted an excuse to have ice cream cake. I, of course, agreed as long as there was no mention of the day (yeah, right. Like THAT was going to happen.), we'd call it "Happy Ice Cream Cake Day." We'd celebrate the invention of ice cream cake. And the cake was so yummy. The last piece will be for my breakfast in the morning, because that's what I need. Then Bob (Janes' husband) showed up with some KFC, and it was rather tasty. Then Tracy and 2 of her friends came over and we all hung out for a while. They brought me another cake, complete with 30 freakin' candles!! So, all in all, it was a pretty good day. I didn't do any school work, and the only real house-cleaning I did was sweeping/mopping the kitchen this morning. I sat on my butt and watched "Miami Vice" this afternoon, too. I'm such a dork for loving that cheesy, cheesy show. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE "The Golden Girls." I'm such an 80's dork.

Here it is, after midnight, and I just finished cleaning up the kitchen. Lilly and Kay went back with Scot & Michele to have yet another sleepover. Alyssa was going to go, but there was a storm rolling in and it scared the ever-loving crap out of her. Poor baby. I could hear her screaming all the way in the house. So she stayed and hung out with the remaining adults and then crashed on me with her Strawberry Shortcake blanket. I decided to tell Dewey about this one only because I may not talk to him tomorrow. And we didn't get a single drop of rain from that storm, either. Even with all that thunder and lightning. So, I'll go to bed being 30 and wake up one day closer to being 40. I guess I should just get used to it since there isn't anything I can do about it. *&#^%$ &#*$B#&^$(*&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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